Investigation Inquiry

Diamond State Ghost Investigators is a non-profit organization. It serves the community by offering free-of-charge investigations of private and public properties. DSGI has 20 years of paranormal investigative experience. This includes a partnership with the State of Delaware. It offers discreet, professional, and confidential service. If you are currently experiencing paranormal activity, DSGI is here to help. They provide you with some answers and peace of mind.

Investigation Inquiry
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Property status
If its rented, does DSGI have permission from the property owner to investigate? DSGI will need to speak with the ownership to confirm prior to any initial walkthrough or investigation takes place.
Property Type
Please input any and all information about previous owner’s names, date of ownership, anything at all that would help aide us in historical research of the location.
Are children being affected?
Are any pets being affected?
Is the location close to large electrical power source, funeral homes, crematory, cellular towers, railroad tracks, Native American burial grounds:
Has the site been cleansed, blessed, or exorcised?
Has the location had any recent remodeling or redecorating?
Has anyone passed on the property that you know of?
Do you know a name or names for who is believed to be there?
Has anyone ever investigated your home?
Are you in fear for the wellbeing of any of the occupants?
Do you feel whatever is there could be demonic?
Do you feel whatever is there is attached to a person or to the property or an item within the location?
Is any occupant on a medication that could cause hallucinations or mood or temperament alterations?
Any occupants using illegal substances?
Any occupants drinking heavily?
Any Occupants under psychiatric care?
Have you ever investigated your own property with equipment you have acquired?
Has anyone at the address ever attempted to use a Ouija board?
Does anyone at the address practice Wicca or Neopaganism?
Has there been any media involvement with the property?
Have there been any unexplained scents?
Have there been any unexplained voices?
Have there been any unexplained knocking or 'Bumps in the night'?
Have there been any unexplained relocation of objects or displacement?
Have the Occupants experienced any touching or physical assaults?
Any hot or cold spots?
Any problems with electrical devices/appliances, computers?
Any problems with plumbing?
Anyone having troubles sleeping or having nightmares?
Are any Occupants feeling frightened or threatened?

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